Friday, August 3, 2012

How to Unhide All Hidden Files in your PC using the Command Prompt?

Usually when virus hide files and it also remove folder options it is much difficult to get the files quickly if one is in hurry.I’m going to tell the the way in which you can unhide all the hidden files.

* use this command for all the folders in the drive. attrib *. -h -s /s /d

Steps 1

1. Go to Start > Run > type cmd

2. Dos will open type cd\

3. Now type the drive letter in which you want to Unhide the files lets suppose in my case its E: this will open the E: drive

4. If you want to see all hidden files and folders   type E:\>dir/ah

5. Now type attrib *. -h -s /s /d

6. Now close cmd using exit command

Steps 2 (folder by folder)

1. Go to Start > Run > type cmd

2. Dos will open type cd\

3. Now type the drive letter in which you want to Unhide the files lets suppose in my case its E: this will open the E: drive

4. If you want to see all hidden files and folders   type E:\>dir/ah (*you will now see the files/folders with hidden attributes )

5. Type “attrib [name of file/folder] -r -a -s -h” if you’re going to unhide files, you should type the whole name plus the extension (example: attrib banner.psd -r -a -s -h)

6. Now check you  drive.. it should be there


Thank you.

Download MS Powerpoint eBook Tutorial for FREE

Microsoft PowerPoint is the name of a proprietary commercial software presentation program developed by Microsoft. It was developed by Microsoft and officially launched on May 22, 1990. It is part of the Microsoft Office suite, and runs on Microsoft Windows and Apple’s Mac OS X operating system. The current versions are Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010 for Windows and Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2011 for Mac.

Versions for Microsoft Windows include:

  • 1990 PowerPoint 2.0 for Windows 3.0

  • 1992 PowerPoint 3.0 for Windows 3.1

  • 1993 PowerPoint 4.0 (Office 4.x)

  • 1995 PowerPoint for Windows 95 (version 7.0; Office 95)

  • 1997 PowerPoint 97 (version 8.0; Office 97)

  • 1999 PowerPoint 2000 (version 9.0; Office 2000)

  • 2001 PowerPoint 2002 (version 10; Office XP)

  • 2003 Office PowerPoint 2003 (version 11; Office 2003)

  • 2007 Office PowerPoint 2007 (version 12; Office 2007)

  • 2010 PowerPoint 2010 (version 14; Office 2010)


Enable the (Hidden) Administrator Account on Windows 7 or Vista

Many people familiar with prior versions of Windows are curious what happened to the built-in Administrator account that was always created by default. Does this account still exist, and how can you access it?

The account is created in Windows 7 or Vista, but since it’s not enabled you can’t use it. If you are troubleshooting something that needs to run as administrator, you can enable it with a simple command.

Note: You really shouldn’t use this account for anything other than troubleshooting. In fact, you probably shouldn’t use it at all.

Enable Built-in Administrator Account

First you’ll need to open a command prompt in administrator mode by right-clicking and choosing “Run as administrator” (or use the Ctrl+Shift+Enter shortcut from the search box)


Now type the following command:

net user administrator /active:yes

You should see a message that the command completed successfully. Log out, and you’ll now see the Administrator account as a choice. (Note that the screenshots are from Vista, but this works on Windows 7)

You’ll note that there’s no password for this account, so if you want to leave it enabled you should change the password.

Disable Built-in Administrator Account

Make sure you are logged on as your regular user account, and then open an administrator mode command prompt as above. Type the following command:

net user administrator /active:no

The administrator account will now be disabled, and shouldn’t show up on the login screen anymore.

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Four Amazing Freeware Tools for Windows

Freeware ToolsFreeware are basically software applications which are used to enhance your work on your computer, saving you a lot of time and energy. With the advent of computer age and networking, works in digital media can be modified, copied and distributed instantaneously. Freeware creators usually retain the copyrights or the license of the work in contrast to Open source software. It means that one cannot modify the source code. But the good news is that the freeware is allowed to be distributed and can be used for free of charge or at an optional fee by whoever wishes to use it for an unlimited period of time. Thus, it gives the maximum benefit to the end user.

Once you determine that a particular freeware is safe and is from a trusted company, it can do wonders to your work. Today, there are thousands of freeware available that people no longer prefer buying software. Freeware junkies are as many as the number of freeware software available. Here are some less-known freeware to make your Windows experience even more worthwhile.

1. Mozilla Thunderbird

Thunderbird has come as a rescue for those who desperately need an alternate to Microsoft’s Outlook Express. It is an easy-to-use interface, flexible and is a stable email application. It’s fully customizable just like the Firefox browser (though has limited themes) and would serve as a great add-on to your computer. It works well with both Windows and Mac OS. And guess what? It’s absolutely free. Well, what else can you ask for?

2. Team Viewer

Team Viewer is a very popular and an effective screen sharing software allowing you to remotely share your screen, mouse, keyboard to another computer when both are connected through internet. It is designed for personal use (non-commercial) and if needed very often, install it rather than running the software. It also integrates file transfer among both the partners participating in the session. Apart from sharing files, you can also carry a text chat and with its new beta version, you can also carry voice and video chat. And most importantly, it’s free requiring no sign-ups.

3. Softmaker Office 2008

Ever considered replacing Microsoft’s Office Suite? Yes. Then you need to definitely try Softmaker Office 2008. It is far more stable than (another freeware substitute). It’s really fast and is available with Windows, Pocket PC’s and Linux (including Ubuntu). It contains a basic maker, Presentation, Text maker and Plan maker. It’s tools are generally compatible with files in the older Microsoft Office formats, though not with the latest Microsoft Office. It’s useful features provide you everything you will need.

4. MalwareBytes Anti-malware

You seriously cannot do without a security solution to your computer. Given that there are many such protection and malware removal tools in the market/net today, would you mind installing a free, simple yet powerful anti-malware tool? I know, You wouldn’t. Malware Bytes Anti-malware (MBAM) is an effective solution to detect and remove various numbers of malware and spyware. Very easy to set-up, this free application updates itself on a regular basis providing full scans for all the drives. Though it gives live protection only to its registered users, it is a great tool to have on your PC.

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What is Computer Hacking?

Computer hacking is the practice of modifying computer hardware and software to accomplish a goal outside of the creator’s original purpose. People who engage in computer hacking activities are often called hackers. Since the word “hack” has long been used to describe someone who is incompetent at his/her profession, some hackers claim this term is offensive and fails to give appropriate recognition to their skills.

Computer hacking is most common among teenagers and young adults, although there are many older hackers as well. Many hackers are true technology buffs who enjoy learning more about how computers work and consider computer hacking an “art” form. They often enjoy programming and have expert-level skills in one particular program. For these individuals, computer hacking is a real life application of their problem-solving skills. It’s a chance to demonstrate their abilities, not an opportunity to harm others.

Since a large number of hackers are self-taught prodigies, some corporations actually employ computer hackers as part of their technical support staff. These individuals use their skills to find flaws in the company’s security system so that they can be repaired quickly. In many cases, this type of computer hacking helps prevent identity theft and other serious computer-related crimes.

Computer hacking can also lead to other constructive technological developments, since many of the skills developed from hacking apply to more mainstream pursuits. For example, former hackers Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson went on to create the UNIX operating system in the 1970s. This system had a huge impact on the development of Linux, a free UNIX-like operating system. Shawn Fanning, the creator of Napster, is another hacker well known for his accomplishments outside of computer hacking.

In comparison to those who develop an interest in computer hacking out of simple intellectual curiosity, some hackers have less noble motives. Hackers who are out to steal personal information, change a corporation’s financial data, break security codes to gain unauthorized network access, or conduct other destructive activities are sometimes called “crackers.” This type of computer hacking can earn you a trip to a federal prison for up to 20 years.

If you are interested in protecting your home computer against malicious hackers, investing in a good firewall is highly recommended. It’s also a good idea to check your software programs for updates on a regular basis. For example, Microsoft offers a number of free security patches for its Internet Explorer browser.

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