Friday, August 3, 2012

How to Unhide All Hidden Files in your PC using the Command Prompt?

Usually when virus hide files and it also remove folder options it is much difficult to get the files quickly if one is in hurry.I’m going to tell the the way in which you can unhide all the hidden files.

* use this command for all the folders in the drive. attrib *. -h -s /s /d

Steps 1

1. Go to Start > Run > type cmd

2. Dos will open type cd\

3. Now type the drive letter in which you want to Unhide the files lets suppose in my case its E: this will open the E: drive

4. If you want to see all hidden files and folders   type E:\>dir/ah

5. Now type attrib *. -h -s /s /d

6. Now close cmd using exit command

Steps 2 (folder by folder)

1. Go to Start > Run > type cmd

2. Dos will open type cd\

3. Now type the drive letter in which you want to Unhide the files lets suppose in my case its E: this will open the E: drive

4. If you want to see all hidden files and folders   type E:\>dir/ah (*you will now see the files/folders with hidden attributes )

5. Type “attrib [name of file/folder] -r -a -s -h” if you’re going to unhide files, you should type the whole name plus the extension (example: attrib banner.psd -r -a -s -h)

6. Now check you  drive.. it should be there


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