Saturday, November 26, 2011

Tutorial: Web-Based System Overview

by eturo

A website can be divided into pieces a lot of different ways. You can divide up the process of development into stages, or you can look at the individual parts. But a website is not like a car. The pieces don’t screw together or came apart in the same way. What makes a website work is the interaction between components that are separated in space and, possibly, time. Some of the pieces are more theoretical, such as the layout and the navigation structure. It’s like the frame of the car, except that you can’t actually see the frame.

¤  Front End Elements
¾     front end is what you see, back end is what you don’t
¾     front end elements includes the objects that composed the interface of the website

ο   The Navigation Structure
·         is the order of the pages, the collection of what links to what
·         usually it is held together by at least one navigation menu
ο   The page layout
·         this is the way things appear on the page
o   Is the navigation menu on the top or along the side?
o   Are there images above the text area? Tables?
·         good layout is as important as any other element of design
·         bad layout makes a website look crowded and slapdash
·         good layout allows the eye to find what it seeks easily
ο   Logo
·         this graphic represents the company or an organization
·         it often sets up the color scheme and the style elements used throughout
·         it ties the website to everything else the company does
ο   Images
·         this represents photos, graphics, navigation bars, lines and flourishes, animations that can all be placed on a website to bring it to life
ο   Contents
·         this is usually the information which is broken into readable chunks used primarily to communicate to the viewer
·         it is formatted to be easily scanned, and it is often optimized for search engines as well as human eyes
ο   Graphic Design
·         it is the overall look of the website as a result of proper use and integration of all the elements (logo, images, layout, navigations menus, etc…)

¤  Back End elements
¾     these refers to the functional elements of a website such as the following:

o   modern sites are searchable
o   some websites allow the user to request more information such as downloading, or to post their own thoughts such as forums, bulletins, threads, polls, etc…
o   can be updated directly from a simple panel or word-processing program

¤  Content Management System (CMS)
¾     this is the ability to update your website without having to directly edit the HTML
¾     a robust content management system allows for documents to be prepared, edited, approved, and tracked prior to publication
¾     simple systems create areas on a web page that can be easily changed on a regular basis
¤  E-Commerce
ο   this refers to the purchasing of items from the internet in a website
·         new levels of convenience are possible, such as mail-order rentals of DVDs and games
·         the simple ability to safely process credit-card transactions over the internet is where this process begins
¤  Shopping Cart
ο   this is just a way for visitors to pick out different items and make a single purchase at the end of the process
·         if you have one or two products, it’s fine if visitors click a couple times, fill out information, and purchase the product
·         if you have a lot of different things for sale, you need a shopping cart
¤  Site Search
ο   this is a part of a website where you can search information you want from that site
¤  Blog feature
ο   blogs are much in the news these days
ο   blogs can be done independently, or as part of your website
ο   some content management systems have blog modules
ο   specialized blogging software can be installed on your server, or you can use blogging services
¤  Image-rotation
ο   presenting new images each time someone visits your page gives it a sense of life
·         photos can be rotated, as can pieces of text, such as quotes or service descriptions
¤  Chatroom
ο   there are a number of ways to allow people to interact online
·         bulletin board allows people to post up messages on a topic
·         chatroom allows users to comment back and forth in real time
¤  Contact forms
ο   most websites need some kind of contact form
·         even if you are just giving information away, you still might want people to thank you for it
·         whether the goal is commerce or political organizing, contact forms are a starting point for interaction
¤  Referral forms
ο   viral marketing takes many forms
·         if someone likes your site, and has an easy, one-push way to notify her friends, you’ve turned your visitors into salespeople
¤  Newsletter registration
ο   if you have the kind of content that is updated periodically, there are few better ways to build a regular readership than newsletters
·         newsletters keep you in front of potential clients, as well as keeping your current clients in the loop about your new products, services, or campaigns
·         the fastest way to build a legitimate newsletter mailing list is to allow people to choose in at your website
¤  Online databases
ο   databases allow us to store, sort, search through, and display large amounts of information
·         online databases bring this technology seamlessly to the Web
¤  Password protected sections
ο   the public area of your website is a great way to serve a variety of audiences
·         But what if you have a membership that deserves better, more comprehensive content?
·         Or what if you want certain registered visitors to be able to perform online actions?
ο   this is a section of a website set aside for internal processes
·         this is easily done by creating password protected sections
¤  Downloadable files
ο   this is an easy way to distribute files all over the world
·         from simple flyers to hundred page documents, e-books, music files, and even movie clips can be downloaded from websites
¤  Multi-media
ο   this refers to photo-tours, video-clips, sound-clips that can add to a website if they are well matched to the type of site and profile of the target audience
¤  Security
ο   all kinds of information can be found hidden on websites
·         trade secrets, proprietary programming, client credit card numbers, and every imaginable piece of personal data
ο   if you are passing information online that is not meant for everyone, then you want to ensure you have the right level of security

*   Other components
¾     some elements that are essential to a website aren’t properly described as either front-end or back-end components

¤  Hosting
ο   it is where your website is physically located
·         on a server, or somewhere, are a set of files that are transmitted to user computers when they call your name
¤  Domain Name
ο   it refers to the address of your website
·         when someone asks to see your website, they put this address into the internet, and your site is served up to them
¤  Online Promotion
ο   not exactly part of the website, but often part of the design as well as the activity surrounding its launch is the online promotion
·         a site with no visitors is like a huge monument built in an uninhabited desert

¤  Website
ο   it is a collection of web pages, images, videos or other digital resources that are addressed with a common domain name or IP address on an Internet Protocol network
ο   it is hosted on at least one web server, accessible via the Internet or a private local area network
ο   web page
·         is a set of contents arranged on the web pages using Markup Languages like HTML, XHTML
·         all publicly accessible web sites collectively constitute the World Wide Web
¤  the pages of a web site can usually be accessed from a simple Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
¤  the first page of the website is called the homepage, which is connected to all inner pages

There are range of websites each having particular type of content in specific field. These websites may be randomly classified in any number of ways. A few such classifications are:

ο   Affiliate: enabled portal that renders not only its custom CMS but also syndicated content from other content providers for an agreed fee. There are usually three relationship tiers. Affiliate Agencies (e.g., Commission Junction), Advertisers (e.g., eBay) and consumer (e.g., Yahoo!).
ο   Archive site: used to preserve valuable electronic contents that are on verge of extinction. For examples: Internet Archive, which since 1996 has preserved billions of old and new web pages; and Google Groups, which in early 2005 had preserved over 845,000,000 messages posted to Usenet news/discussion groups.
ο   Blog Site: sites generally used to post online diaries, comments or views that may include discussion forums (e.g., blogger, Xanga).
ο   Content Site: these sites create and sell of original content to end-user.  (e.g., Slate,
ο   Corporate website: used to provide information regarding business, organization, or service.
ο   Commerce site (or eCommerce site): these sites are designed for purchasing or selling goods, such as, CSN Stores, and
ο   Community site: sites where persons with similar interests communicate to each other through chatting and messaging or through social message boards, such as MySpace or Facebook.
ο   City Site: A site that shows information about a certain city or town and events that takes place in that town. Usually created by the city council. For example, is the geodomain for Richmond, Virginia.
ο   Gripe site: a site devoted to the critique of a person, place, corporation, government, or institution.
ο   Humor site: satirizes, parodies or otherwise exists solely to amuse.
ο   Information site: contains content that is intended to inform visitors, but not necessarily for commercial purposes, such as:, Free Internet Lexicon and Encyclopedia. Most government, educational and non-profit institutions have an informational site.
ο   Mirror site: A complete reproduction of a website.
ο   News site: similar to an information site, but dedicated to dispensing news and commentary.
ο   Personal homepage: run by an individual or a small group such as a family that contains information or any content that the individual wishes to include. These are usually uploaded using a web hosting service such as Geocities.
ο   Phish Site: a website created to fraudulently acquire sensitive information, such as passwords and credit card details, by disguising as a trustworthy person or business (such as Social Security Administration, PayPal) in an electronic communication.
ο   Political site: A site on which people may voice political views.
ο   Rating site: A site on which people can praise or disparage what is featured.
ο   Review site: A site on which people can post reviews for products or services.
ο   School site: a site on which teachers, students, or administrators can post information about current events at or involving their school.
ο   Video sharing: A site that enables user to upload videos, such as YouTube and Google Video.
ο   Search engine site: a site that provides general information and is intended as a gateway for retrieving other sites. Google, Yahoo and MSN are the most widely known search engines.
ο   Shock site: includes images or other material that is intended to be offensive to most viewers (e.g.
ο   Warez: a site designed to host and let users download copyrighted materials illegally.
ο   Web portal: a site is vehicle that provides a gateway to other resources on the Internet or an intranet.


¤  Static Websites
ο   It is a simple website design which is cost effective and beneficial for the small enterprises or individuals to expand their business through web
ο   through static website individuals or small business houses can place simple information regarding their company and products in simple manner and at low cost
ο   it is very useful for expanding market of company with its information and appearance on Internet
ο   it is perfect for individuals, businesses or companies that have a message that change slowly
ο   users can quickly and easily put contents and images without having much experience
ο   it ideal for demonstrating how your website will look on Internet

Advantage of Static Website:

There are a number of advantages of the static websites:
·         simple to create and host
·         cheaper in the comparison of dynamic website design
·         easy navigation for search engines
·         quick to download images, brochures even on lower bandwidths
·         each and every page of the website is editable but the certain knowledge is required
·         can see the preview before adding on live
·         can change the layout of web page when desired
·         direct control over content

Disadvantage of Static Website:
·         could cost you more in the long run depending on the frequency of the updates
·         long change process as you have to wait for a website designer to have the time to make your changes
·         difficult to maintain when a site gets large
·         difficult to keep consistent and up to date

¤  Dynamic Websites
ο   these are the pages that change dynamically
ο   dynamic pages can change every time when they are loaded without making any changes
ο   dynamic web pages can also change their content based on what user do, like clicking on some text or an image
·         if the information stored in the database changes, the web page connected to the database change accordingly and automatically without human intervention
ο   dynamic sites are great for image galleries, online calendars or e-commerce etc.

There are several advantages of dynamic website that benefits your company in number of ways. The first and foremost advantage of dynamic website is that it make large site practical and easy in maintenance. For instance if you have company templates that pulls contents from database then you have to update menu links in one place and it is updated across the site. But with simple static HTML pages you have to update everywhere.

Here are some of the advantages of a dynamic website:

·         Content Management System (CMS)
¾     if your company has lots of information such as news, events, happenings, innovation or products that you want to share with the world
§  then dynamic website is the best way to update your website regularly without paying much

·         E- commerce site
¾     in the online business, the dynamic website is cheaper, easier and the best option to sell your products online
¾     with dynamic website you can take your orders and updates your products in very convenient ways

·         Members database
¾     dynamic website allows people to manage information throughout the websites by using your administration interface
¾     the dynamic website also helps users in easy login to sites

·         Deliver information to a wider audience
¾     dynamic websites helps in storing of information in database in more potential way
¾     this also helps in data delivery in accessible format or using RSS

¤  There are several aspects that must be considered while designing a site. Some of the prominent features of web designing are:
ο   Scope of the website
¾     it is very important to have specific target prior to initiate web designing
¾     pilot testing and feasibility should be carried out in order to decipher what are the drawbacks and shortcomings
¾     it is necessary to check scope of the website and be sure that content of the web pages were placed accordingly
¾     it is advised to not design heavy sites with several links if it is used for personal purposes or representing a small business
¾     most online sites are designed with the aim to be user friendly and easy to surf

ο   Layout of the website
¾     While designing it is necessary to keep website requirement in mind.
¾     The prerequisite designing help in content and web pages sequencing.
¾     The chronological order of the website gives a submissive look that helps in navigation.
¾     Heavy animations and images make website heavy and complex. Such websites consume much time to load and most people quickly lose interest.
¾     It is proven that more people are attracted to simpler built web site as compared to those, which are heavily filled with images, sounds and animations.

ο   Compatibility of the website
¾     The website is designed in a manner that it is well matched with the major browsers that are used in the world.
¾     Before adding animation or graphics to the website it is necessary to know which type of browsers support it.
¾     Always check the authenticity of a server before uploading work online.

ο   Use of text in website
¾     It is necessary to make certain that the text used on website is relevant.
¾     It is necessary that the text and language in the website is easily understandable.
¾     The use of keywords while describing the contents of your website is also very important as it keeps the focus of the reader on to the various topics.
¾     It is advised not to fill the websites with various links and irrelevant text and content.
¾     It necessary to organized and planned approach while placing content on website.

ο   Safe and Secure mechanism
¾     If you are dealing with an online business or financial transaction through your website it is advisable to have latest security protocols which integrates within the website to ensure the exchange of cash is safe and secure on any occasion.
¾     Moreover it is necessary to keep your website safe and free from viruses and hackers to prevent from the theft and damages of your personal data and money.

There are several features that must be considered while developing website. The effective and efficient website can be developed by merging different web designing features.

¤  Some other features that should be considered in web designing are:
ο   Text
¾      Background does not interrupt the text
¾      Text is big enough to read, but not too big
¾      The hierarchy of information is perfectly clear
¾      Columns of text are narrower than in a book to make reading easier on the screen
ο   Navigation
¾      Navigation buttons and bars are easy to understand and use
¾      Navigation is consistent throughout web site
¾      Navigation buttons and bars provide the visitor with a clue as to where they are, what page of the site they are currently on
¾      Frames, if used, are not obtrusive
¾      A large site has an index or site map
ο   Links
¾      Link colors coordinate with page colors
¾      Links are underlined so they are instantly clear to the visitor
ο   Graphics
¾      Buttons must be not big and dorky
¾      Every graphic has an alt label
¾      Every graphic link has a matching text link
¾      Graphics and backgrounds use browser-safe colors
¾      Animated graphics turn off by themselves
ο   General Design
¾      Pages download quickly
¾      First page and home page fit into 800 x 600 pixel space
¾      All of the other pages have the immediate visual impact within 800 x 600 pixels
¾      Excellent use of graphic elements (photos, subheads, pull quotes) to break up large areas of text
¾      Every web page in the site looks like the parts of the parent site; there are repetitive elements that carry throughout the pages

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